Yea those graphics look sick and I am a big fan of bewbs... One of the things that made it so hard to get into WoW was the cartoonish graphics...
Stahn's review of the game /rant
Honest to god do not let the hopefuls fool you. The game is utter crap, what could have been a good idea turned into complete trash.
There is no reason to level past 50.
PvP games are non-existant.
Money gathering is worse than in FFXI.
Gold farmers have already moved in, and will most likely kill you thinking you drop loot (They are pretty stupid).
There is no reason to level on a PvE server, unless...
...PvP servers are horrible with the lowby killing, take the worst situation you can think of in WoW and multiply it by 1 million, and you might get close. Dont believe me? Buy the game and wish you hadnt lol.
Crafting is non existant.
Stats mean absolutely nothing in the game, gear is non-existant, you wear the same grey crap gear till 80 and still cannot find upgrades. And even if you did find upgrades STATS DONT WORK. Stats are also capped. This is their way of balancing pvp till they get around to fixing it.
New ranks of abilities do not actually do more damage, in most cases they are less efficient and do not work as well.
The game is so buggy, 9/10 you'll get killed by a bug. Such as the perma root bug, or the button lock bug. Game crashes when you zone half of the time, servers lag spike every 15 minutes for a minute.
There is no player community to speak of, unless you find a guild, and even then it is sparse.
Literally half of the classes are broken.
PvP is insanely unbalanced.
When you get someone to 1% health, they can just run away and recoup. You have almost no way of stopping them unless you are a ranged/caster, and you better be able to kill them with 1 hit, which is not likely because they will regen more than that while running away.
Pet classes are totally broken. Pets are bugged as hell, do no damage what-so-ever but will follow a person around an entire zone hitting them for 10.
Stam/sprint is pointless and shittily done. For example, sprinting drains 20% of your stam, so it is actually beneficial to have low stam, because the stam regen rate is a set number like 20 per second. So if you have 500 stam, you'll regen faster for sprint than if you had 1000 stam.
It is a pain in the ass to get out of combat.
Talking to a npc while getting aggro will cause the game to lock up with you returning to your corpse.
There is no penalty for high level players 1 shotting you as they run past.
There is no death penalty.
Female chars swing slower than male chars.
Bag space is extremely limited, you'll have to make trips to the merchant every 10-15 kills.
Once you hit 50 it's a grind to 80. There are few quests to be seen, nowhere near enough to break up the grind. On top of that there are not enough mobs to grind on, and on pvp servers entire guilds guard these locations so that other players cannot level.
79 to 80 is 3 million xp, mobs give you 1k xp a kill. Do the math.
I could go on and on and on and on, basically Im sick of this game and 120% dissapointed. I know it is a new release but this game seems like pre-alpha to me. At least 2 more years of development.
With the way FunCon has conducted themselves since release I do NOT see this game surviving past christmas.
And if you read all of this I'm pretty impressed lol.