Post by Nauren on Feb 14, 2006 16:40:49 GMT -5
Not sure if this is official or not..but thought it was interesting
Firion: Fir-ee-on
Maria: Muh-ree-uh
Gus: Gus
Leonhart: Lay-on-hart
Final Fantasy IV: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see For
Cecil: See-Sull, Seh-sull
Rosa: Ro-zuh
Tellah: Tell-uh
Cid: Sid
Edge: Ej
Kain: Kayn
Pallom: Pal-um
Porom: Poor-om
Edward: Ed-wurd
Gilbert (Japanese Edward): Gill-burt
Rydia: Rid-ee-uh
Final Fantasy V: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Fyv
X-Death: Ex-deth
Galuf: Gal-uf
Lenna: Lee-nah
Cara: Ka-ruh
Faris: Far-iss, Fair-iss
Gil: Gill
Bartz: Barts
Final Fantasy VI: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Siks
Celes Chere: Cel-ess Sher (or ‘Cher’, like the singer)
Locke Cole: Lock Kol
Cyan Garamond: Sy-an Gar-uh-mond
Edgar Figaro: Ed-gahr Fig-uh-row
Gau: Gow
Gogo: Go-go
Sabin Figaro: Sah-bin Fig-uh-row
Setzer Gabbiani: Set-sur Gah-bee-an-ee
Terra Branford: Terr-uh Bran-ford
Relm Arrowny: Realm Air-oh-nee
Shadow: Sha-dow
Kefka Palazzo: Keff-kuh Pah-lah-zoh
Final Fantasy VII: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Sev-un
Cloud Strife: Kloud Stryfe
Tifa Lockheart: Tee-fa Lok-hart
Yuffie Kisaragi: Yoo-fee Kee-sah-rah-gee
Vincent Valentine: Vin-sunt Val-uhn-tine
Aerith Gainsborough: Air-ith Gainz-boh-roh, Gainz-bur-oh
Aeris (alt spelling/pronunciation): Air-is
Cait Sith: Ket Shi
Cid Highwind: Sid High-wind
Barret Wallace: Bear-et, Bah-ret Wol-is
Red XIII: Red Thirteen (if you needed help with that pronunciation then I pity you... XD)
Nanaki (XIII's real name): Na-na-kee
Jenova: Jeh-no-vah
Reno: Ree-no
Rude: Rood
Tseng: Sung
Elena: Eh-lay-na
Lucrecia: Loo-kree-shah
Hojo: Hoh-joh
Ifalna: If-all-na
Gast: Gast (like "gasp" without the "p")
Sephiroth: Sef-ee-roth, Sef-ee-ros
Reeve: Ree-v
Scarlet: Skar-lit
Heidegger: Hi-deg-ur
Palmer: Pal-mur
Rufus Shin-Ra: Roo-fuss Sheen-rah
Seto: Seh-toh
Bugenhagen: Boo-gen-ha-gen
Don Corneo: Don Cor-nee-oh
Marlene: Mahr-lean
Elmyra: El-meer-uh, El-my-ruh
Shera: Sheh-rah, Shay-rah
Zack: Zak
Dio: Dee-o
Priscilla: Prih-sill-uh
Zangan: Zahn-gahn
Dyne: Dine
FFVII: Advent Children
Advent Children: Ad-vent Chill-drun
Yazoo: Yah-zoo
Loz: Loz (Laws)
Kadaj: Kah-dahj
Denzel: Dehn-zehl
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus
Dirge of Cerberus: Durj of Sur-bur-us
Vincent Valentine: Vin-sunt Val-uhn-tine
Yuffie Kisaragi: Yoo-fee Kee-sah-rah-gee
Azul: Ah-zool, Uh-zool
Shelke: Shell-keh
Reeve Tuesti: Ree-v Tooz-tee
Nero: Neh-roh
Shalua: Shah-loo-ah
Rosso: Ross-oh
Vice: Vyse
Gackt: Crap / ga-k-t
Final Fantasy VIII: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Ayt
Seifer Almasy: Sigh-fur Al-massy
Selphie Tilmitt: Sell-fee Til-mitt
Rinoa Heartilly: Ree-no-ah Har-tih-lee
Quistis Trepe: Kee-stis Trehp
Squall Leonhart: Skwaul Lay-on-hart
Zell Dincht: Zell Deen
Irvine: Ur-veen, Ur-vine Kinn-ee-as, Kinn-a-us
Fujin: Foo-jeen
Raijin: Rye-jeen
Xu: Zhu, Soo, Shoo
Kiros Seagill: Kee-ros See-gill
Laguna Loire: La-goo-na Lwar
Ward Zabac: Ward Zah-bach, Zah-back
Edea: Ee-deh-ah
Moomba: Moom-bah
Ultimecia: Ul-tih-mee-cee-uh
Adel: Uh-dell, Ay-dell
Kadowaki: Kah-do-wah-kee
Angelo: An-geh-low
Cid Kramer: Sid Kray-mur
Ellone: Ell-oh-neh
Final Fantasy IX: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Nyn
Zidane Tribal: Zee-dane Try-buhl
Garnet Til Alexandros 17th: Gahr-net Till(?) Al-ig-zan-dros Seventeenth
Freya Crescent: Fray-uh Kres-unt
Vivi Orunitia: Vee-vee O-roo-nee-tee-uh
Adelbert Steiner: Ay-dohl-burt, Ah-dehl-behrt Sty-ner
Kuja: Koo-jah
Eiko Carol: Ay-koh Kare-uhl
Mikoto: Mih-koh-toh
Amarant Coral: Am-uh-rant Kohr-ul
Quina Quen: Kwee-nah Kwen
Brahne: Brawn
Hilda: Hill-dah
Beatrix: Bee-tricks, Bee-uh-tricks
Fratley: Frat-lee
Lani: La-nee
Stiltzkin: Stilts-kin
Mognet Mogs (FFIX)
Kupo: Koo-poh
Mosco: Moss-coh
Monty: Mon-tee
Moguo: Mawg-goh?, Mohg-goh?
Mois: Moys (?)
Gumo: Goo-moh
Kumop: Koo-mop
Mogki: Mawg-kee, Mohg-kee
Moodon: Moo-dawn
Moonte: Moon-tee
Moguta: Mohg-oo-tah, Mawg-oo-tah
Mogmi: Mawg-mee, Mohg-mee
Grimo: Gree-moh
Atla: At-lah
Nazna: Naz-nah
Mogrich: Mawg-rich, Mohg-rich
Monev: Moh-nev, Moo-nev
Mopli: Mop-lee
Serino: Sehr-ee-noh, Sir-ee-noh
Mosh: Mosh (Mawsh)
Kuppo: Koo-poh??
Mogmatt: Mawg-matt, Mohg-matt
Mogryo: Mawg-ry-oh, Mohg-ry-oh
Suzuna: Soo-zoo-nah
Mocchi: Moh-chi
Momatose: Moh-mah-tohss
Mimoza: Mihm-oh-zah
Mooel: Moo-el(le)
Mogsam: Mohg-sam, Mawg-sam
Mogrika: Mawg-ree-kah, Mohg-ree-kah
Moolan: Moo-lahn
Mogtaka: Mawg-tah-kah, Mohg-tah-kah
Noggy: Naw-gee
Kumool: Koo-mool
Moorock: Moo-rawk
Mozme: Mawz-mee
Morrison: More-ih-son
Mene: Meh-neh
Mogster: Mawg-ster, Mohg-ster
Mochos: Moh-chohs, Moh-kohs
Mojito: Moh-jee-toh
Final Fantasy X: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Tehn
Tidus: Tie-dus, Tee-dus (If you want to be a perfectionist about it call him Tee-dus.)
Tida (Tidus' Japanese name): Tee-da
Yuna: Yoo-na
Lulu: Loo-loo
Seymour: See-more
Kimahri: Kih-mah-ree
Auron: Aur-un
Yevon: Yeh-von
Yunalesca: Yoo-na-less-kah
Zaon: Zay-on
Rikku: Ree-koo
Final Fantasy X-2: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Tehn Too
Gippal: Gip-ul
Baralai: Bear-ah-lie
Nooj: Nooj
Leblanc: Leh-blangk
Ormi: Or-mee
Logos: Low-gos
Shuyin: Shoo-yin
Lenne: Len
Shinra: Shin-rah
Yaibal: Yi-bull
Paine: Payn
Final Fantasy XII: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Twelv
Vaan: Vawn
Balflear: Bal-flare
Fran: Fran
Basch: Bash
Penelo: Pahn-neh-low
Ashe: Ash-ay
Reks: Rex
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor: Lahr-suh Fah-ri-nahs Soh-lih-dohr
Vayne Cardas Solidor: Vein Kar-dahs Soh-lih-dohr
Dreis: Drace
Gabranth: Gahb-rahnth
Nono: No-no
Montblanc: Mohnt-blahnc
Lord Rasler: Lord Rass-lur
Tactics: Tak-tiks
Agrias: Ah-gree-as
Alma: Al-muh
Dycedarg: Dye-ceh-dahrg
Delita: Deh-lee-tuh
Goltana: Gol-tan-uh
Larg: Larg
Ramza: Ram-zuh
Ovelia: Oh-vel-ee-uh
Zalbag: Zal-bag
Funeral: Fyoo-nur-ul
Simon Si-mun
Draclau: Drak-low
Balmafula: Bal-mah-foo-lah
Rudvich: Rood-vich, Rud-vich
St. Ajora: Saint Ah-jor-uh
Altima: Al-ti-muh
Kletian: Klee-shyan
Balk: Bok
Velius: Vel-ee-us
Zarela: Zah-reh-luh
Hashmalum: Ha-shm-al-um
Queklain: Kweh-clen
Adramelk: Ah-drah-melk
Alazlam: Ah-laz-lam
Orlan: Or-lahn
Meliadoul Tingel: Meh-lee-ah-dool Tin-gel
Beowulf: Bay-uh-woolf
Worker 8: Wur-kur Eight
Reis: Rays
Cidolfas Orlandu: Si-dol-fass Or-lan-doo
Malak: Mah-lak
Rafa: Rah-fah
Mustadio: Muss-tah-dee-oh
Gafgarion: Gaff-gah-ree-on
Algus: All-gus
Lavian: La-vee-un
Rad: Rad
Alicia: Uh-lish-uh
Balbanes: Bal-ban-ess
Vormav: Voor-mav
Rofel: Row-fell
Zalmo: Zal-mo
Izlude: Iz-lood
Wiegraf: Wy-grf
Celia: See-lee-uh
Lede: Leh-dey
Elmdor: Elm-door
Miluda: Mih-loo-duh
Omdolia: Ohm-dol-ee-uh
Diwanu: Dih-wah-noo
Valowa: Vah-low-uh
Teta: Teh-tah
Gustav: Goo-staf
Golagros: Go-lag-rows
Ruvelia: Roo-vel-ee-uh
Besrodio: Bes-row-dee-oh
Kanbabrif: Kanb-ab-riff
Gelwan: Gell-wan
Bolmna: Bowlm-nuh
Blansh: Blansh
Barinten: Bar-in-ten
Lucavi: Loo-ka-vee
Gravados: Grah-vah-dos
Tactics Advanced
Tactics Advanced: Tak-tiks Ad-vanst
Marche: Mar-sh
Mewt: Myoot
Ritz: Rits
Crystal Chronicles
Crystal Chronicles: Kris-tl Kron-ih-kulz
Clavat: Clah-vaht
Selkie: Sell-kee
Yuke: Yook
Lilty: Lihl-tee
Shiva: Shee-vah
Ifrit: Ee-freet
Bahamut: Buh-ha-mut
Ixion: Icks (Ix)-ee-on
Leviathan: Lih-vie-uh-thun
Odin: Oh-din
Quezacotl: Ket-sal-ko-a-tl
Ramuh: Rah-moo
Gilgamesh: Gil-guh-mesh
Phoenix: Fee-niks
Doomtrain: Doom-Trayn
Eden: Ee-dn
Madeen: May-deen
Fenrir: Fen-rihr
Typoon/Typhoon: Tie-poon/Tie-foon
Titan: Tie-tan
Atomos: At-um-os
Valefor: Vah-leh-for
Hades: Hay-deez
Kjata: K-yah-tuh
Alexander: Al-ig-zan-dur
Cerberus: Sur-bur-us
Diablos: Dee-ah-blos
Anima: An-uh-muh
Magus Sisters: May-gus Sis-turs
Siren: Sy-run
Pandemona: Pan-deh-mo-nuh
Carbuncle: Kahr-bung-kul
Maduin: Mad-oo-ihn
Velius: Vehl-ee-us
Adrammelech: Uh-dram-uh-lek
Cuchrain/Queklain: Kyook-rain
Hashmalim: Hash-mah-leem
Midgar: Mid-gahr
Nibelheim: Nee-bel-heim
Balamb: Ba-lam
Esthar: Ess-tharr
Galbadia: Gal-bay-dee-uh
Timber: Tim-burr
Dollet: Doll-ette
Iifa Tree: Ee-fuh Tree
Alexandria: Al-ig-zan-dree-uh
Burmecia: Bur-me-cee-uh
Treno: Tree-noh
Lindblum: Lind-bloom
Costa Del Sol: Cos-tuh Dehl Sohl
Wutai: Woo-tie
Via Infinito: Vee-ah Een-fee-nee-toh
Old Dalmasca Kingdom: Old Dahl-mas-cah King-dum
Archadia Empire: Ar-kay-dee-ah Em-py-ur
Ivalice: Ee-vah-lees
Rabanastre: Rah-bah-nah-stur
Archades: Ahr-kay-deez
Ordalia: Or-dah-lee-ah
Giza Plains: Gee-zah Plains
Salika Woods: Sah-lee-kah Woods
Valentia: Vah-lehn-tee-ah
Purevam: Poohr-vahm
Jagd: Yahckt
FFXI Towns/Cities/Locations
Final Fantasy XI: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Ih-lev-un
Bastok: Bass-toohk
Chateau d'Oraguille: Sha-toh Dh'Oh-ra-geeyu
Heaven's Tower: Hev-un's Tow-ur
Jeuno: Joo-noh
Jeuno Ru'Lude Gardens: Joo-noh Roo-loo-de Garh-dns
Kazham: Kuh-zam
Mhaura: Mau-ra
Norg: Nohrg
Rabao: Rah-bah-oh
San d'Oria: San-doh-ree-uh
Selbina: Sell-bee-nuh
Tavnazian Safehold: Tahv-naz-ee-uh Sayf-hold
Windurst: Win-duhrst
Al'Taieu: Ahl-tie-yu
Altepa: Ahll-teppa
Attohwa Chasm: Ah-toh-wa Kaz-uhm
Batallia Downs: Ba-ta-lee-uh Downs
Bearclaw Pinnacle: Bear-klaw Pin-uh-kul
Beaucedine Glacier: Boh-suh-deen Glay-shur
Behemoth's Dominion: Be-he-muth, Bi-he-muth Duh-min-yun
Bibiki Bay: Bee-bee-kee Bay
Purgonorgo Isle: Pur-goh-nor-goh Il
Buburimu Peninsula: Boo-boo-rih-moo Puh-nin-suh-luh
Cape Teriggan: Kayp Tehr-ih-gun
Carpenters' Landing: Kar-pun-tur's Lan-ding
Diorama Abdhaljs - Ghelsba: Dee-oh-rah-mah Ab-dahl-jiz Gehl-ss-bah
Garden of Ru'Hmet: Gahr-dn of Roo-Mett
Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi: Grand Pal-is of Hoo-Zoi
Gustaberg: Goos-tah-burg
Horlais Peak - Hor-lace Peak
Jugner Forest: Jug-nur For-ist
Konschtat Highlands: Kohn-shtat High-lands
La Theine Plateau: Luh-Tayn Pla-tow
Limbus - Apollyon: Lim-bus Uh-poll-yun
Temenos: Teh-meh-nos
Lufaise Meadows: Loo-fay-zeh Med-ohs
Manaclipper: Mah-nah-klip-ur
Meriphataud Mountains: Meh-riff-uh-toh Moun-tns
Misareaux Coast: Mee-za-reh-oh Koast
Monarch Linn: Mon-urk Lyn
Pashhow Marshlands: Pash-how Marsh-lands
Phanauet Channel: Fah-noh-eh Chan-l
Qufim Isle: Koo-feem Il
Ro'Maeve: Roh-mayv
Rolanberry Fields: Row-lan-ber-ee Feeldz
Ronfaure: Ron-fohr
Ru'Aun Gardens: Roo-ohn Gardens
Sanctuary of Zi'tah: Sangk-choo-ehr-ee of Zee-tah
Sarutabaruta: Sah-roo-tah-bah-roo-tuh
Sauromugue Champaign: Soh-roh-moog Sham-payn
Sealion's Den: See-ly-un's Den
Tahrongi Canyon: Tah-rohn-gee Kan-yun
Uleguerand Range: Oohl-goo-rahnd Raynj
Valkurm Dunes: Vahl-kroom Doons
Valley of Sorrows: Val-ee of Sor-ohs
Xarcabard: Zar-kah-bahrd
Yhoator Jungle: Yho-ah-tohr Jung-guhl
Yuhtunga Jungle: Yuh-tahn-gah Jung-guhl
Altar Room: Ol-tur Room
Balga's Dais: Bal-gah's Day-is
Beadeaux: Bay-doh
Boneyard Gully: Bone-yard Gul-ee
Bostaunieux Oubliette - Bohs-toh-nyoo Oubliette
Boyahda Tree: Boh-yah-dah Tree
Castle Oztroja: Kas-ul Oh-stro-yah
Celestial Nexus: Suh-les-chul Nek-sus
Chamber of Oracles: Cham-bur of Or-uh-kuls
Crawler's Nest: Kro-lur's Nest
Dangruf Wadi: Dahn-groof Wah-dee
Davoi: Dah-voy
Delkfutt's Tower: Delhk-futt's Tow-ur
Den of Rancor: Den of Ran-kor
Dragon's Aery: Drag-un's Ar-ee, A-uh-ree
Eldieme Necropolis: Ehl-deem Nuh-krop-uh-lis
Empyreal Paradox: Em-pir-ee-ul, Em-puh-ree-ul Par-uh-doks
Fei'yin: Fay-yin
Full Moon Fountain: Full, Fool Moon Moun-tn
Garlaige Citadel: Gahr-leyj Sit-uh-dl
Ghelsba Fort: Gehl-ss-bah Fort
Giddeus: Gih-day-us
Gusgen Mines: Goos-gen Mines
Gustav Tunnel: Goos-tuv Tun-l
Hall of Transference: Hol of Trans-fur-uns
Hall of the Gods: Hol of the Gods
Horutoto Ruins: Hoh-roo-toh-toh Roo-ins
Ifrit's Cauldron: Ee-freet's Kol-drun
King Ranperre's Tomb: King Ran-pear's Toom
Korroloka Tunnel: Koh-roh-loh-kah Tun-l
Kuftal Tunnel: Koof-tuhl Tun-l
La'Loff Amphitheater: Lah-lohff Am-fuh-thee-uh-tur
Labyrinth of Onzozo: Lab-un-rinth of Ohn-zoh-zoh
Maze of Shakhrami: Mayz of Sha-krah-mee
Mine Shaft #2716: Mine Shaft Num-bur Too Thou-zund Sev-un Hun-drid Siks-teen
Monastic Cavern: Muh-nas-tik Kav-urn
Newton Movalpolos: Noot-n Moh-vahl-poh-los
Oldton Movalpolos: Old-un Moh-vahl-poh-los
Ordelle Caves: Or-dell Kaves
Palborough Mines: Pal-boh-roh Mynes
Phomiuna Aqueducts: Foh-myoo-nah Ak-wih-dukts
Pso'Xja: Soh-jee-ah
Qu'Bia Arena: Kooh-bee-ah Uh-ree-nuh
Quicksand Caves: Kwik-sand Kaves
Qulun Dome - Koo-loon Dome
Ranguemont Pass - Rahn-goo-mohnt Pass
Riverne - Site #A01: Riv-vur-n Site Num-bur 'A' Zeer-oh Wun
Sacrarium: Suh-krar-ee-um
Sacrificial Chamber: Sak-ruh-fish-ul Cham-bur
Sea Serpent Grotto: See Sur-punt Grot-oh
Shrine of Ru'Avitau: Shrine of Roo-Ah-vee-toh
Stellar Fulcrum: Stell-ur Fool-krum
Temple of Uggalepih: Tem-pul of Ooh-gah-leh-pee
The Shrouded Maw: The Shrouded Maw
Throne Room: Throne Room
Toraimarai Canal: Toh-rye-mah-rye Kuh-nal
Ve'Lugannon Palace: Vay-looh-gah-nun Pal-is
Waughroon Shrine: Wah-roon Shrine
Yughott Grotto: Yoog-hoht Grot-oh
Zeruhn Mines: Shay-roon Mynes
Zvahl Castle Bailey: Zvah-l Kas-ul Bay-lee
Ragnarok: Rag-nuh-rock
Orichalcon: Or-ih-hal-con
Masamune: Mah-sah-moo-neh
Tiamat: T-yah-mat
Behemoth: Be-he-muth, Bi-he-muth
Cactuar: Kak-twar
Tonberry: Ton-berry, Tawn-berry
Malboro: Mal-bur-o, Mal-buh-ro
Adamantoise: Ad-uh-man-toys
Ahriman: Ah-ree-men
Georapella: Gee-oh-rah-pell-uh
Gizamaluke: Gee-zah-mah-look
Fira: Fy-ruh
Firaga: Fy-rah-guh
Blizzara: Blizz-ah-ruh
Blizzaga: Blizz-ah-guh
Thundara: Thun-dar-uh
Thundaga: Thun-dah-guh
Ultima: Ul-tih-muh
Cura: Kyoor-uh
Curaga: Kyoor-ah-guh
Meteor: Mee-tee-ur
Watera: Wo-tur-uh
Waterga: Wo-tur-guh
Esuna: Eh-soo-nuh
Hastega: Hays-teh-guh
Demi: Deh-mee
Osmose: Oss-mose
Limit Breaks
Chaos: Kay-os
Zantetsuken: Zan-te-tsu-ken
Mage: May-j
Chocobo: Cho-ko-bo
Chicobo: Chi-ko-bo
Cetra: Seh-trah
Hypello: Hi-peh-low
Moogle: Moh-glee
Mog: Mohg
SeeD: Seed
Kupo: Koo-poh
Zeio: Zey-oh
Carob: Kar-ub
Ether: Ee-thur
Hume: Hyoom
Veena Viera: Vee-nuh Vee-era
Rava Viera: Rah-vah Vee-era
Bangaa: Ban-gah
Seeqs: Seeks
Firion: Fir-ee-on
Maria: Muh-ree-uh
Gus: Gus
Leonhart: Lay-on-hart
Final Fantasy IV: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see For
Cecil: See-Sull, Seh-sull
Rosa: Ro-zuh
Tellah: Tell-uh
Cid: Sid
Edge: Ej
Kain: Kayn
Pallom: Pal-um
Porom: Poor-om
Edward: Ed-wurd
Gilbert (Japanese Edward): Gill-burt
Rydia: Rid-ee-uh
Final Fantasy V: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Fyv
X-Death: Ex-deth
Galuf: Gal-uf
Lenna: Lee-nah
Cara: Ka-ruh
Faris: Far-iss, Fair-iss
Gil: Gill
Bartz: Barts
Final Fantasy VI: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Siks
Celes Chere: Cel-ess Sher (or ‘Cher’, like the singer)
Locke Cole: Lock Kol
Cyan Garamond: Sy-an Gar-uh-mond
Edgar Figaro: Ed-gahr Fig-uh-row
Gau: Gow
Gogo: Go-go
Sabin Figaro: Sah-bin Fig-uh-row
Setzer Gabbiani: Set-sur Gah-bee-an-ee
Terra Branford: Terr-uh Bran-ford
Relm Arrowny: Realm Air-oh-nee
Shadow: Sha-dow
Kefka Palazzo: Keff-kuh Pah-lah-zoh
Final Fantasy VII: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Sev-un
Cloud Strife: Kloud Stryfe
Tifa Lockheart: Tee-fa Lok-hart
Yuffie Kisaragi: Yoo-fee Kee-sah-rah-gee
Vincent Valentine: Vin-sunt Val-uhn-tine
Aerith Gainsborough: Air-ith Gainz-boh-roh, Gainz-bur-oh
Aeris (alt spelling/pronunciation): Air-is
Cait Sith: Ket Shi
Cid Highwind: Sid High-wind
Barret Wallace: Bear-et, Bah-ret Wol-is
Red XIII: Red Thirteen (if you needed help with that pronunciation then I pity you... XD)
Nanaki (XIII's real name): Na-na-kee
Jenova: Jeh-no-vah
Reno: Ree-no
Rude: Rood
Tseng: Sung
Elena: Eh-lay-na
Lucrecia: Loo-kree-shah
Hojo: Hoh-joh
Ifalna: If-all-na
Gast: Gast (like "gasp" without the "p")
Sephiroth: Sef-ee-roth, Sef-ee-ros
Reeve: Ree-v
Scarlet: Skar-lit
Heidegger: Hi-deg-ur
Palmer: Pal-mur
Rufus Shin-Ra: Roo-fuss Sheen-rah
Seto: Seh-toh
Bugenhagen: Boo-gen-ha-gen
Don Corneo: Don Cor-nee-oh
Marlene: Mahr-lean
Elmyra: El-meer-uh, El-my-ruh
Shera: Sheh-rah, Shay-rah
Zack: Zak
Dio: Dee-o
Priscilla: Prih-sill-uh
Zangan: Zahn-gahn
Dyne: Dine
FFVII: Advent Children
Advent Children: Ad-vent Chill-drun
Yazoo: Yah-zoo
Loz: Loz (Laws)
Kadaj: Kah-dahj
Denzel: Dehn-zehl
FFVII: Dirge of Cerberus
Dirge of Cerberus: Durj of Sur-bur-us
Vincent Valentine: Vin-sunt Val-uhn-tine
Yuffie Kisaragi: Yoo-fee Kee-sah-rah-gee
Azul: Ah-zool, Uh-zool
Shelke: Shell-keh
Reeve Tuesti: Ree-v Tooz-tee
Nero: Neh-roh
Shalua: Shah-loo-ah
Rosso: Ross-oh
Vice: Vyse
Gackt: Crap / ga-k-t
Final Fantasy VIII: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Ayt
Seifer Almasy: Sigh-fur Al-massy
Selphie Tilmitt: Sell-fee Til-mitt
Rinoa Heartilly: Ree-no-ah Har-tih-lee
Quistis Trepe: Kee-stis Trehp
Squall Leonhart: Skwaul Lay-on-hart
Zell Dincht: Zell Deen
Irvine: Ur-veen, Ur-vine Kinn-ee-as, Kinn-a-us
Fujin: Foo-jeen
Raijin: Rye-jeen
Xu: Zhu, Soo, Shoo
Kiros Seagill: Kee-ros See-gill
Laguna Loire: La-goo-na Lwar
Ward Zabac: Ward Zah-bach, Zah-back
Edea: Ee-deh-ah
Moomba: Moom-bah
Ultimecia: Ul-tih-mee-cee-uh
Adel: Uh-dell, Ay-dell
Kadowaki: Kah-do-wah-kee
Angelo: An-geh-low
Cid Kramer: Sid Kray-mur
Ellone: Ell-oh-neh
Final Fantasy IX: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Nyn
Zidane Tribal: Zee-dane Try-buhl
Garnet Til Alexandros 17th: Gahr-net Till(?) Al-ig-zan-dros Seventeenth
Freya Crescent: Fray-uh Kres-unt
Vivi Orunitia: Vee-vee O-roo-nee-tee-uh
Adelbert Steiner: Ay-dohl-burt, Ah-dehl-behrt Sty-ner
Kuja: Koo-jah
Eiko Carol: Ay-koh Kare-uhl
Mikoto: Mih-koh-toh
Amarant Coral: Am-uh-rant Kohr-ul
Quina Quen: Kwee-nah Kwen
Brahne: Brawn
Hilda: Hill-dah
Beatrix: Bee-tricks, Bee-uh-tricks
Fratley: Frat-lee
Lani: La-nee
Stiltzkin: Stilts-kin
Mognet Mogs (FFIX)
Kupo: Koo-poh
Mosco: Moss-coh
Monty: Mon-tee
Moguo: Mawg-goh?, Mohg-goh?
Mois: Moys (?)
Gumo: Goo-moh
Kumop: Koo-mop
Mogki: Mawg-kee, Mohg-kee
Moodon: Moo-dawn
Moonte: Moon-tee
Moguta: Mohg-oo-tah, Mawg-oo-tah
Mogmi: Mawg-mee, Mohg-mee
Grimo: Gree-moh
Atla: At-lah
Nazna: Naz-nah
Mogrich: Mawg-rich, Mohg-rich
Monev: Moh-nev, Moo-nev
Mopli: Mop-lee
Serino: Sehr-ee-noh, Sir-ee-noh
Mosh: Mosh (Mawsh)
Kuppo: Koo-poh??
Mogmatt: Mawg-matt, Mohg-matt
Mogryo: Mawg-ry-oh, Mohg-ry-oh
Suzuna: Soo-zoo-nah
Mocchi: Moh-chi
Momatose: Moh-mah-tohss
Mimoza: Mihm-oh-zah
Mooel: Moo-el(le)
Mogsam: Mohg-sam, Mawg-sam
Mogrika: Mawg-ree-kah, Mohg-ree-kah
Moolan: Moo-lahn
Mogtaka: Mawg-tah-kah, Mohg-tah-kah
Noggy: Naw-gee
Kumool: Koo-mool
Moorock: Moo-rawk
Mozme: Mawz-mee
Morrison: More-ih-son
Mene: Meh-neh
Mogster: Mawg-ster, Mohg-ster
Mochos: Moh-chohs, Moh-kohs
Mojito: Moh-jee-toh
Final Fantasy X: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Tehn
Tidus: Tie-dus, Tee-dus (If you want to be a perfectionist about it call him Tee-dus.)
Tida (Tidus' Japanese name): Tee-da
Yuna: Yoo-na
Lulu: Loo-loo
Seymour: See-more
Kimahri: Kih-mah-ree
Auron: Aur-un
Yevon: Yeh-von
Yunalesca: Yoo-na-less-kah
Zaon: Zay-on
Rikku: Ree-koo
Final Fantasy X-2: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Tehn Too
Gippal: Gip-ul
Baralai: Bear-ah-lie
Nooj: Nooj
Leblanc: Leh-blangk
Ormi: Or-mee
Logos: Low-gos
Shuyin: Shoo-yin
Lenne: Len
Shinra: Shin-rah
Yaibal: Yi-bull
Paine: Payn
Final Fantasy XII: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Twelv
Vaan: Vawn
Balflear: Bal-flare
Fran: Fran
Basch: Bash
Penelo: Pahn-neh-low
Ashe: Ash-ay
Reks: Rex
Larsa Ferrinas Solidor: Lahr-suh Fah-ri-nahs Soh-lih-dohr
Vayne Cardas Solidor: Vein Kar-dahs Soh-lih-dohr
Dreis: Drace
Gabranth: Gahb-rahnth
Nono: No-no
Montblanc: Mohnt-blahnc
Lord Rasler: Lord Rass-lur
Tactics: Tak-tiks
Agrias: Ah-gree-as
Alma: Al-muh
Dycedarg: Dye-ceh-dahrg
Delita: Deh-lee-tuh
Goltana: Gol-tan-uh
Larg: Larg
Ramza: Ram-zuh
Ovelia: Oh-vel-ee-uh
Zalbag: Zal-bag
Funeral: Fyoo-nur-ul
Simon Si-mun
Draclau: Drak-low
Balmafula: Bal-mah-foo-lah
Rudvich: Rood-vich, Rud-vich
St. Ajora: Saint Ah-jor-uh
Altima: Al-ti-muh
Kletian: Klee-shyan
Balk: Bok
Velius: Vel-ee-us
Zarela: Zah-reh-luh
Hashmalum: Ha-shm-al-um
Queklain: Kweh-clen
Adramelk: Ah-drah-melk
Alazlam: Ah-laz-lam
Orlan: Or-lahn
Meliadoul Tingel: Meh-lee-ah-dool Tin-gel
Beowulf: Bay-uh-woolf
Worker 8: Wur-kur Eight
Reis: Rays
Cidolfas Orlandu: Si-dol-fass Or-lan-doo
Malak: Mah-lak
Rafa: Rah-fah
Mustadio: Muss-tah-dee-oh
Gafgarion: Gaff-gah-ree-on
Algus: All-gus
Lavian: La-vee-un
Rad: Rad
Alicia: Uh-lish-uh
Balbanes: Bal-ban-ess
Vormav: Voor-mav
Rofel: Row-fell
Zalmo: Zal-mo
Izlude: Iz-lood
Wiegraf: Wy-grf
Celia: See-lee-uh
Lede: Leh-dey
Elmdor: Elm-door
Miluda: Mih-loo-duh
Omdolia: Ohm-dol-ee-uh
Diwanu: Dih-wah-noo
Valowa: Vah-low-uh
Teta: Teh-tah
Gustav: Goo-staf
Golagros: Go-lag-rows
Ruvelia: Roo-vel-ee-uh
Besrodio: Bes-row-dee-oh
Kanbabrif: Kanb-ab-riff
Gelwan: Gell-wan
Bolmna: Bowlm-nuh
Blansh: Blansh
Barinten: Bar-in-ten
Lucavi: Loo-ka-vee
Gravados: Grah-vah-dos
Tactics Advanced
Tactics Advanced: Tak-tiks Ad-vanst
Marche: Mar-sh
Mewt: Myoot
Ritz: Rits
Crystal Chronicles
Crystal Chronicles: Kris-tl Kron-ih-kulz
Clavat: Clah-vaht
Selkie: Sell-kee
Yuke: Yook
Lilty: Lihl-tee
Shiva: Shee-vah
Ifrit: Ee-freet
Bahamut: Buh-ha-mut
Ixion: Icks (Ix)-ee-on
Leviathan: Lih-vie-uh-thun
Odin: Oh-din
Quezacotl: Ket-sal-ko-a-tl
Ramuh: Rah-moo
Gilgamesh: Gil-guh-mesh
Phoenix: Fee-niks
Doomtrain: Doom-Trayn
Eden: Ee-dn
Madeen: May-deen
Fenrir: Fen-rihr
Typoon/Typhoon: Tie-poon/Tie-foon
Titan: Tie-tan
Atomos: At-um-os
Valefor: Vah-leh-for
Hades: Hay-deez
Kjata: K-yah-tuh
Alexander: Al-ig-zan-dur
Cerberus: Sur-bur-us
Diablos: Dee-ah-blos
Anima: An-uh-muh
Magus Sisters: May-gus Sis-turs
Siren: Sy-run
Pandemona: Pan-deh-mo-nuh
Carbuncle: Kahr-bung-kul
Maduin: Mad-oo-ihn
Velius: Vehl-ee-us
Adrammelech: Uh-dram-uh-lek
Cuchrain/Queklain: Kyook-rain
Hashmalim: Hash-mah-leem
Midgar: Mid-gahr
Nibelheim: Nee-bel-heim
Balamb: Ba-lam
Esthar: Ess-tharr
Galbadia: Gal-bay-dee-uh
Timber: Tim-burr
Dollet: Doll-ette
Iifa Tree: Ee-fuh Tree
Alexandria: Al-ig-zan-dree-uh
Burmecia: Bur-me-cee-uh
Treno: Tree-noh
Lindblum: Lind-bloom
Costa Del Sol: Cos-tuh Dehl Sohl
Wutai: Woo-tie
Via Infinito: Vee-ah Een-fee-nee-toh
Old Dalmasca Kingdom: Old Dahl-mas-cah King-dum
Archadia Empire: Ar-kay-dee-ah Em-py-ur
Ivalice: Ee-vah-lees
Rabanastre: Rah-bah-nah-stur
Archades: Ahr-kay-deez
Ordalia: Or-dah-lee-ah
Giza Plains: Gee-zah Plains
Salika Woods: Sah-lee-kah Woods
Valentia: Vah-lehn-tee-ah
Purevam: Poohr-vahm
Jagd: Yahckt
FFXI Towns/Cities/Locations
Final Fantasy XI: Fy-nl Fan-tuh-see Ih-lev-un
Bastok: Bass-toohk
Chateau d'Oraguille: Sha-toh Dh'Oh-ra-geeyu
Heaven's Tower: Hev-un's Tow-ur
Jeuno: Joo-noh
Jeuno Ru'Lude Gardens: Joo-noh Roo-loo-de Garh-dns
Kazham: Kuh-zam
Mhaura: Mau-ra
Norg: Nohrg
Rabao: Rah-bah-oh
San d'Oria: San-doh-ree-uh
Selbina: Sell-bee-nuh
Tavnazian Safehold: Tahv-naz-ee-uh Sayf-hold
Windurst: Win-duhrst
Al'Taieu: Ahl-tie-yu
Altepa: Ahll-teppa
Attohwa Chasm: Ah-toh-wa Kaz-uhm
Batallia Downs: Ba-ta-lee-uh Downs
Bearclaw Pinnacle: Bear-klaw Pin-uh-kul
Beaucedine Glacier: Boh-suh-deen Glay-shur
Behemoth's Dominion: Be-he-muth, Bi-he-muth Duh-min-yun
Bibiki Bay: Bee-bee-kee Bay
Purgonorgo Isle: Pur-goh-nor-goh Il
Buburimu Peninsula: Boo-boo-rih-moo Puh-nin-suh-luh
Cape Teriggan: Kayp Tehr-ih-gun
Carpenters' Landing: Kar-pun-tur's Lan-ding
Diorama Abdhaljs - Ghelsba: Dee-oh-rah-mah Ab-dahl-jiz Gehl-ss-bah
Garden of Ru'Hmet: Gahr-dn of Roo-Mett
Grand Palace of Hu'Xzoi: Grand Pal-is of Hoo-Zoi
Gustaberg: Goos-tah-burg
Horlais Peak - Hor-lace Peak
Jugner Forest: Jug-nur For-ist
Konschtat Highlands: Kohn-shtat High-lands
La Theine Plateau: Luh-Tayn Pla-tow
Limbus - Apollyon: Lim-bus Uh-poll-yun
Temenos: Teh-meh-nos
Lufaise Meadows: Loo-fay-zeh Med-ohs
Manaclipper: Mah-nah-klip-ur
Meriphataud Mountains: Meh-riff-uh-toh Moun-tns
Misareaux Coast: Mee-za-reh-oh Koast
Monarch Linn: Mon-urk Lyn
Pashhow Marshlands: Pash-how Marsh-lands
Phanauet Channel: Fah-noh-eh Chan-l
Qufim Isle: Koo-feem Il
Ro'Maeve: Roh-mayv
Rolanberry Fields: Row-lan-ber-ee Feeldz
Ronfaure: Ron-fohr
Ru'Aun Gardens: Roo-ohn Gardens
Sanctuary of Zi'tah: Sangk-choo-ehr-ee of Zee-tah
Sarutabaruta: Sah-roo-tah-bah-roo-tuh
Sauromugue Champaign: Soh-roh-moog Sham-payn
Sealion's Den: See-ly-un's Den
Tahrongi Canyon: Tah-rohn-gee Kan-yun
Uleguerand Range: Oohl-goo-rahnd Raynj
Valkurm Dunes: Vahl-kroom Doons
Valley of Sorrows: Val-ee of Sor-ohs
Xarcabard: Zar-kah-bahrd
Yhoator Jungle: Yho-ah-tohr Jung-guhl
Yuhtunga Jungle: Yuh-tahn-gah Jung-guhl
Altar Room: Ol-tur Room
Balga's Dais: Bal-gah's Day-is
Beadeaux: Bay-doh
Boneyard Gully: Bone-yard Gul-ee
Bostaunieux Oubliette - Bohs-toh-nyoo Oubliette
Boyahda Tree: Boh-yah-dah Tree
Castle Oztroja: Kas-ul Oh-stro-yah
Celestial Nexus: Suh-les-chul Nek-sus
Chamber of Oracles: Cham-bur of Or-uh-kuls
Crawler's Nest: Kro-lur's Nest
Dangruf Wadi: Dahn-groof Wah-dee
Davoi: Dah-voy
Delkfutt's Tower: Delhk-futt's Tow-ur
Den of Rancor: Den of Ran-kor
Dragon's Aery: Drag-un's Ar-ee, A-uh-ree
Eldieme Necropolis: Ehl-deem Nuh-krop-uh-lis
Empyreal Paradox: Em-pir-ee-ul, Em-puh-ree-ul Par-uh-doks
Fei'yin: Fay-yin
Full Moon Fountain: Full, Fool Moon Moun-tn
Garlaige Citadel: Gahr-leyj Sit-uh-dl
Ghelsba Fort: Gehl-ss-bah Fort
Giddeus: Gih-day-us
Gusgen Mines: Goos-gen Mines
Gustav Tunnel: Goos-tuv Tun-l
Hall of Transference: Hol of Trans-fur-uns
Hall of the Gods: Hol of the Gods
Horutoto Ruins: Hoh-roo-toh-toh Roo-ins
Ifrit's Cauldron: Ee-freet's Kol-drun
King Ranperre's Tomb: King Ran-pear's Toom
Korroloka Tunnel: Koh-roh-loh-kah Tun-l
Kuftal Tunnel: Koof-tuhl Tun-l
La'Loff Amphitheater: Lah-lohff Am-fuh-thee-uh-tur
Labyrinth of Onzozo: Lab-un-rinth of Ohn-zoh-zoh
Maze of Shakhrami: Mayz of Sha-krah-mee
Mine Shaft #2716: Mine Shaft Num-bur Too Thou-zund Sev-un Hun-drid Siks-teen
Monastic Cavern: Muh-nas-tik Kav-urn
Newton Movalpolos: Noot-n Moh-vahl-poh-los
Oldton Movalpolos: Old-un Moh-vahl-poh-los
Ordelle Caves: Or-dell Kaves
Palborough Mines: Pal-boh-roh Mynes
Phomiuna Aqueducts: Foh-myoo-nah Ak-wih-dukts
Pso'Xja: Soh-jee-ah
Qu'Bia Arena: Kooh-bee-ah Uh-ree-nuh
Quicksand Caves: Kwik-sand Kaves
Qulun Dome - Koo-loon Dome
Ranguemont Pass - Rahn-goo-mohnt Pass
Riverne - Site #A01: Riv-vur-n Site Num-bur 'A' Zeer-oh Wun
Sacrarium: Suh-krar-ee-um
Sacrificial Chamber: Sak-ruh-fish-ul Cham-bur
Sea Serpent Grotto: See Sur-punt Grot-oh
Shrine of Ru'Avitau: Shrine of Roo-Ah-vee-toh
Stellar Fulcrum: Stell-ur Fool-krum
Temple of Uggalepih: Tem-pul of Ooh-gah-leh-pee
The Shrouded Maw: The Shrouded Maw
Throne Room: Throne Room
Toraimarai Canal: Toh-rye-mah-rye Kuh-nal
Ve'Lugannon Palace: Vay-looh-gah-nun Pal-is
Waughroon Shrine: Wah-roon Shrine
Yughott Grotto: Yoog-hoht Grot-oh
Zeruhn Mines: Shay-roon Mynes
Zvahl Castle Bailey: Zvah-l Kas-ul Bay-lee
Ragnarok: Rag-nuh-rock
Orichalcon: Or-ih-hal-con
Masamune: Mah-sah-moo-neh
Tiamat: T-yah-mat
Behemoth: Be-he-muth, Bi-he-muth
Cactuar: Kak-twar
Tonberry: Ton-berry, Tawn-berry
Malboro: Mal-bur-o, Mal-buh-ro
Adamantoise: Ad-uh-man-toys
Ahriman: Ah-ree-men
Georapella: Gee-oh-rah-pell-uh
Gizamaluke: Gee-zah-mah-look
Fira: Fy-ruh
Firaga: Fy-rah-guh
Blizzara: Blizz-ah-ruh
Blizzaga: Blizz-ah-guh
Thundara: Thun-dar-uh
Thundaga: Thun-dah-guh
Ultima: Ul-tih-muh
Cura: Kyoor-uh
Curaga: Kyoor-ah-guh
Meteor: Mee-tee-ur
Watera: Wo-tur-uh
Waterga: Wo-tur-guh
Esuna: Eh-soo-nuh
Hastega: Hays-teh-guh
Demi: Deh-mee
Osmose: Oss-mose
Limit Breaks
Chaos: Kay-os
Zantetsuken: Zan-te-tsu-ken
Mage: May-j
Chocobo: Cho-ko-bo
Chicobo: Chi-ko-bo
Cetra: Seh-trah
Hypello: Hi-peh-low
Moogle: Moh-glee
Mog: Mohg
SeeD: Seed
Kupo: Koo-poh
Zeio: Zey-oh
Carob: Kar-ub
Ether: Ee-thur
Hume: Hyoom
Veena Viera: Vee-nuh Vee-era
Rava Viera: Rah-vah Vee-era
Bangaa: Ban-gah
Seeqs: Seeks